Der Resin Kavalier

Monday, May 20, 2024

The Grenadiers of Burgundy, Part 2

In the last installment, I presented some unpainted Spanish Seven Years War figures from Chris Parker (Chris Parker Games) that I had drafted into Burgundian service. Well, they have since been painted up along with some additional figures from Chris' line. These are 3D resin printed. Officer figures are complete with no assembly required, while the grenadiers and light infantry require you to attach the arms and heads with CA. A nice feature of these 3D printings is a light washing allows for a clean figure that can be painted as soon as they are dry. Personally, I use Vallejo primers and paints almost exclusively. Coverage is excellent and the colors have a richness that other paints don't often have. After painting, I will finish them a glossy varnish (I like the "toy soldier" look!). A battle is looming, but that's for next time!

Spanish SYW Light Infantry

Spanish Grenadiers (note that they are out of step.Perhaps they're on "route march"

Spanish Light Infantry Officer

Spanish Line Officer
Close-up of the Grenadier Officer

Spanish Grenadier Officer. Speak softly, and carry a big sword.

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